xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Starting SmallCrush Version: TestU01 1.2.3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo smarsa_BirthdaySpacings test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 5000000, r = 0, d = 1073741824, t = 2, p = 1 Number of cells = d^t = 1152921504606846976 Lambda = Poisson mean = 27.1051 ---------------------------------------------------- Total expected number = N*Lambda : 27.11 Total observed number : 37 p-value of test : 0.04 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:07.87 Generator state: *********************************************************** Test sknuth_Collision calling smultin_Multinomial *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo smultin_Multinomial test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 5000000, r = 0, d = 65536, t = 2, Sparse = TRUE GenerCell = smultin_GenerCellSerial Number of cells = d^t = 4294967296 Expected number per cell = 1 / 858.99346 EColl = n^2 / (2k) = 2910.383046 Hashing = TRUE Collision test, Mu = 2909.2534, Sigma = 53.8957 ----------------------------------------------- Test Results for Collisions Expected number of collisions = Mu : 2909.25 Observed number of collisions : 2937 p-value of test : 0.31 ----------------------------- Total number of cells containing j balls j = 0 : 4289970233 j = 1 : 4994127 j = 2 : 2935 j = 3 : 1 j = 4 : 0 j = 5 : 0 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:08.23 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo sknuth_Gap test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 200000, r = 22, Alpha = 0, Beta = 0.00390625 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 1114 Chi-square statistic : 1021.51 p-value of test : 0.98 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:34.38 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo sknuth_SimpPoker test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 400000, r = 24, d = 64, k = 64 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 19 Chi-square statistic : 16.58 p-value of test : 0.62 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:17.34 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo sknuth_CouponCollector test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 500000, r = 26, d = 16 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 44 Chi-square statistic : 60.77 p-value of test : 0.05 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:16.71 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo sknuth_MaxOft test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 2000000, r = 0, d = 100000, t = 6 Number of categories = 100000 Expected number per category = 20.00 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 99999 Chi-square statistic :99638.60 p-value of test : 0.79 ----------------------------------------------- Anderson-Darling statistic : 0.20 p-value of test : 0.80 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:08.82 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo svaria_WeightDistrib test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 200000, r = 27, k = 256, Alpha = 0, Beta = 0.125 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 41 Chi-square statistic : 20.65 p-value of test : 0.9966 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:34.35 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo smarsa_MatrixRank test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 20000, r = 20, s = 10, L = 60, k = 60 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 3 Chi-square statistic : 4.16 p-value of test : 0.25 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:05.27 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo sstring_HammingIndep test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 500000, r = 20, s = 10, L = 300, d = 0 Counters with expected numbers >= 10 ----------------------------------------------- Number of degrees of freedom : 2209 Chi-square statistic : 2195.59 p-value of test : 0.58 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:20.41 Generator state: *********************************************************** HOST = kryptera, Linux Theo swalk_RandomWalk1 test: ----------------------------------------------- N = 1, n = 1000000, r = 0, s = 30, L0 = 150, L1 = 150 ----------------------------------------------- Test on the values of the Statistic H Number of degrees of freedom : 52 ChiSquare statistic : 45.33 p-value of test : 0.73 ----------------------------------------------- Test on the values of the Statistic M Number of degrees of freedom : 52 ChiSquare statistic : 55.15 p-value of test : 0.36 ----------------------------------------------- Test on the values of the Statistic J Number of degrees of freedom : 75 ChiSquare statistic : 75.10 p-value of test : 0.48 ----------------------------------------------- Test on the values of the Statistic R Number of degrees of freedom : 44 ChiSquare statistic : 50.53 p-value of test : 0.23 ----------------------------------------------- Test on the values of the Statistic C Number of degrees of freedom : 26 ChiSquare statistic : 23.73 p-value of test : 0.59 ----------------------------------------------- CPU time used : 00:00:04.52 Generator state: ========= Summary results of SmallCrush ========= Version: TestU01 1.2.3 Generator: Theo Number of statistics: 15 Total CPU time: 00:02:37.96 All tests were passed